Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cleaning Update

So over the past weekend we cleaned fairly thoroughly according to the lists we made (see the last post).  It's Tuesday night and we're still going strong.  There are a bunch of dishes and we'll need to wipe down the counters, but other than that, we barely even have to do any of our daily tasks - AND we've made the bed every day so far!  I know it doesn't sound like much, but I don't think our house has ever been this clean all at once.  I'm really impressed with what we have accomplished and I hope we are able to keep up with it - that should only require minimal effort going forward.

For now, I'll be on the lookout for some more quick fixes and anything else that can make our lives easier.  The feeling of satisfaction that I get from looking around and seeing that nothing needs to be done and I can relax is just so great right now as I am in such a busy time in my life.

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